
Not all physical therapy is created equal.

We employ the most effective techniques that are gentle yet powerful.


Manual Therapy

Our bodies are complex.  This complexity allows us to walk, run, lift and do all the things we love.  When the mechanics of our joints are not working together, pain can be the result.  Manual Therapy finds where there are imbalances and tissue tension disruptions.  By restoring the mechanics of our body, we are better able to move without pain.  

Fascial Counterstrain

Fascial Counterstrain (FCS) is an innovative system of soft tissue manipulation developed by Brian Tuckey PT, OCS, JSCCI. FCS is a therapeutic, hands-on method, designed to release spasms in all tissues of the human body. Every organ, nerve, artery, muscle, ligament, tendon, vein and lymphatic vessel in the human body can actively spasm and produce pain in a natural, protective response to injury. Once this reflex spasm is triggered it can persist, spread & form hundreds of tender points. FCS works to release the tissue in spasm and the corresponding tender point by gently unloading the injured structure. For more information check out

Integrated Manual Therapy

Integrated Manual Therapy (IMT) is a comprehensive approach that isolates where there is injury to the body but also determines what other factors may be involved.  This multi-system approach works to address protective mechanisms in the body that once released can allow the body to start healing more efficiently.  This can then allow the patient to start progressing their mobility and strength so that they are able to get back to what they love.